Todays board games are often small works of art. Amazing plastic or wodden figures, boards with lots of colors, cards with captivating and detailed artwork. Dices in different colors with symbols and figures and sometimes small plastic gems in all sorts of colors.
If you walk into a games shop like Faraos Cigarer here in Denmark you will see a wide display of board games in all genres, comic books and different toys and figures from movies and animations. It is a world of it's own.
I love both the creativity that are put into the rules of these games and the beautiful physical appearence that creators and the designers choose for the games. Often the games resemble something from the real world, they have a theme, like colonizing Mars or laying railroad tracks in America. Other games are abstract like chess and go, but still the craftmanship in making a good looking detailed chess set can be amazing.
I recently played this stunning board game called Canvas. It actually had some simply mechanics, but the creators wanted you to experience the process of creating a painting.

Canvas. Beautiful front page. The game itself is actually supposed to be hung on the wall.
Even the board game itself was meant to be put on the wall with a nice painting with lots of colors on the front.
Here is the description from BoardGameGeek. It is also a fantastic place to start your interest in board games:
In Canvas, you play as a painter competing in an art competition. Players will collect art cards, layering 3 of them together to create their own unique Painting. Each card contains a piece of artwork as well as a set of icons used during scoring. Icons will be revealed or hidden based on the way players choose to layer the cards making for an exciting puzzle. Paintings are scored based on a set of Scoring cards which will change each game. Once players have created and scored 3 paintings the game ends.
The boardgame. Playing field, boxes and setup.
Paintings created from the game. I like that the game titles the creations too. "Grateful nightmare" and "Corrupted mistake" are cool names for the paintings.