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Juggling pushy street artists and love for a new painting

Updated: Apr 26

I don't care much about landscape paintings. Even though I know how much time it takes to paint a decent one, I still think they are kind of boring.

I was talking to one of the street artists in Varna and he just wanted me to buy one of his landscape paintings. He had almost only had paintings of small nice cottages and settings from the country side or paintings of ships and the sea. I am nice and well behaved, so I politely tried to turn him down: "Yes, they are nice, but not today" and he looked a bit disappointed after spending so much energy talking to me. Telling me that when he was young he had sailed in Denmark and Skagerak. Desperately trying to persuade me to buy just a small one of his paintings for 20 leva (80 dkk, 10 euro). Talking about how much the price was higher in Denmark.

It's not about the price (ok yes that matters too, but not only about the price). Actually he should understand that I am only going to buy a painting if the image inspires me or if I really like it in some other way that makes sense to me. If the picture is not to my taste, I'm not going to buy it no matter how cheap he sells it. It is just a waste of money. But he needs to put bread on the table too, I get it.

A few minutes later I went to his neighbor street artist and bought this painting that I liked much more. I could see the previous seller shrugging and shaking his head. Sorry, but not today and not tomorrow either.

I talked to the artist in the photo here and actually he was the one who painted my picture with the dancers, the painting that I mostly love, but also have some troubles with. It makes sense because I actually bought it the same place in Varna some time ago.

I sadly didn't catch his name because his English was as bad as my Bulgarian, but I somehow managed to get his permission to put his paintings up on the internet on my blog. And I also got his father's contact card. His father, Krasimir Angelov (Красимир Ангелов), paints detailed landscape paintings, painting of the sea and ships and some very pretty of flowers and different kind of objects. You can see them if you follow this link to his homepage. I guess the street artist paints both type including the more coarse city scapes. I actually like those very much, because of the vibrant colors.

Varna in the rain and the cathedral in the background.

So this painting captures the large cathedral in Varna in a more suddle way than a photo or a detailed portrait could have done. And depicting the city scape in the rain is a good touch that I like. And yes, I am just a sucker for colors - I know 😄

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